Thermal processes and gas cleaning

Our focus

Our activities cover three different areas, namely the area of thermal processes, the area of gas cleaning technologies and the area of alternative fuels usage.

a) Area of Thermal Processes

  • experimental research of combustion of gaseous and liquid fuels
  • investigation of the influence of burner geometry and operating combustion conditions on emissions, temperatures in the combustion space, heat transfer, shape and stability of flame, etc.
  • experimental study on low-NOx methods
  • intensification of combustion with highly pure oxygen
  • experimental study on the substitution possibilities of liquid fuels of oil origin for liquid fuels from renewable sources
  • drying and sintering of powdered materials

b) Area of Gas Cleaning

  • experimental research of technologies decreasing pollutants such as nitrogen oxides NOx, volatile organic compounds (VOC), CO, SO2, HCL, HF, particular matter (PM), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F)
  • preventing formation of gasses with pollutants (primary methods)
  • removal of pollutants from flue gas and industrial gases (secondary methods)
  • gas cleaning for industrial usage, such as biogas purification etc.
  • reduction of formation and release of non-technological CO2

c) Area of Alternative Fuels Usage

  • research in the area of sludge utilization (from communal and industrial sources) and in the area of biological degradable materials (waste) capable of energy utilization
  • energy and economical balance from the end technology unit of wastewater treatment plant
  • database compilation of thermos-physical sludge properties from wastewater treatment plant
  • utilization of heat exchangers for the increase of sludge dewatering
  • research and design of innovative components for fermentation

We use modern labs and experimental facilities for our research activities. More detailed information about the research in the area of thermal processes and gas cleaning follow may be found here or within the publications listed on personal webpages of our personnel and Ph.D. students.

Collaboration with commercial companies

We provide our commercial customers a background of highly qualified personnel in the areas listed above. Our customers can find the background of modern labs and exeprimental facilities, which they may use for their R&D projects. More information about our services and references may be found here.

Student participation

Student can participate in the activities of the group via their bachelor and diploma theses. They can use our facilities to measure and analyze data for their theses. We believe that the ideal progress is to respect the two degree system and to employ the experience gained during the work on Bachelor’s thesis on the Master’s thesis.

Given the fact that the activities cover a wide range of research areas, the respective topics can be tailored to the abilities and interests of the students and can be focused on the development, the construction, as well as the engineering calculations. On the other hand we expect the fair attitude and own initiative while solving the assigned problem.

The list of defended theses is available here.

Contact information

If you wish to collaborate with us, please contact:

Ing. Pavel SKRYJA
group leader
Institute of Process Engineering
building D5 (NETME Centre), 4th floor, office No. 458
phone: +420 541 144 958
