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Have you ever tried to think about how many every day and essentially "obvious" activities take place around us in "some" way and what actually "processes" and controls these necessary activities? How is food, petrol, or medicine produced, or in what ways are heat and energy generated?
The area of everyday life
Process engineering can be found practically everywhere. Its typical representation can be found in the petrochemical, food, or pharmaceutical industries, but it has significant representation in, for example, the energy and automotive industries. Thanks to process engineering, we are able to obtain:
- conceptual solution of energy systems,
- food and beverages,
- petrol and diesel,
- paper,
- drugs,
- energy,
- clean air,
- waste processing,
- and the list could go on.
The image below shows three examples. The goal is to obtain a product from the basic raw material. This can be obtained precisely thanks to a certain process which is something that process engineering solves.

How to imagine it
Process engineering is a varied field not only from its representation in industrial sectors or the municipal sphere, but it is also varied in what it deals with. It is a conceptual and comprehensive solution, i.e. from investment planning to details. It deals with:
- design of the process and equipment (apparatus) that ensure the process,
- minimization of energy consumption, generation of waste, and emissions in accordance with environmental protection legislation,
- application of similar principles in various processes (e.g. the "heat exchange" operation can be used both in the energy use of biomass or waste and in the food industry, etc.),
- process management (automation, regulation, optimization),
- technological and structural design of equipment using the results of experiments, computer support, and feedback from specific implementations,
- all economic aspects (price, investment, operating and labor costs, etc.).
In addition, process engineering approaches all these activities as comprehensively as possible and connects them in such a way that the approach based on the three basic aspects "3E" (Energy + Economy + Environment) is respected.

- we are devoted to students beyond teaching
- we prefer a personal style of teaching in small groups
- frequent consultations

- involvement of students in ongoing projects even outside the final thesis
- we transfer our current "know-how" to teach

- state-of-the-art laboratories
- modern equipment (PC, measuring equipment, 3D printing, VR)
- professional software (both commercial and own-developed), which we continue to expand

- wide application of our graduates across disciplines
- the stable industry even in any crisis situation thanks to constant job offers

- we are a prestigious institute on a Czech even international scale
- we participate in a large number of strategic projects within the EU, the Czech Republic, and the industrial and municipal spheres
- our projects achieve top applications in various fields
- solving complex problems in the industrial and municipal sphere
The information below is aimed primarily at Erasmus students. More information about the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral study programs is available on the Czech version of this page. You can also contact us directly through the contact info at the end of the page.
Erasmus students
For Erasmus students, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offers a number of courses that you can enroll in. Our institute offers two courses that are taught in English and you can choose them.
- Heat Transfer Processes (more info)
- Energy and Emissions (more info)
- Basics of Process Equipment Modelling in 3D (more info)
The course "Heat Transfer Processes" is one of the basic theoretical courses of Process Engineering specialization. It is concerned with solving various heat transfer systems and equipment. Solutions are made based on recent required industrial priorities such as environmental protection and ecological aspects, decreasing energy consumption, emissions reductions, and economical operation. The course includes also teaching modules from international projects solved together with world reputable universities.
The course "Energy and Emissions" is primarily focused on energy savings and emission reduction in the process industry, power industry, and municipal sphere. The focus of the course reflects the premise: “Produced emissions cannot be destroyed.” This also implies the main goal – minimize energy consumption and with that also emission production (CO2, NOx, SOx, etc). One part of the course is aimed at the implementation of energy savings and reduction of pollutants production by means of so-called process integration or heat integration based on Pinch Analysis methodology including economic and environmental aspects. Another part is focused on an introduction to utilities, the combined production of heat and power (cogeneration), utility systems, thermodynamic cycles, and utilization of wastes and biomass as alternative or renewable sources of energy.
The course "Basics of Process Equipment Modelling in 3D" is devoted to master modeling in software SolidWorks and CADWorx with an emphasis on practicality. Mastering these tools is nowadays common demand for master students of technical universities. The great importance of 3D models is also their subsequent use for numerical simulation (FEM). One of the very important abilities is also visualization of 3D models which is currently common practice even with a direct impact on the company economy
Double Diploma Degree
As part of the master's degree, we offer the opportunity to study the so-called Double Diploma, where in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Germany (AUAS) we allow students to complete the first year at our institute and the second year in Germany. Studies in Augsburg take place in the German language, and thanks to this you have the opportunity to significantly improve your language base. At the end of your studies, you will receive two degrees - Engineer (Ing.) at BUT and Master of Engineering (M. Eng) at AUAS Augsburg. For more information about study Double Diploma Degree at our institute contact doc. Ing. Martin Pavlas, Ph.D.
We are divided into professional sections, which arose naturally on the basis of the solution of prestigious strategic projects (e.g. national research programs, NETME Centre, Center of Competence for the Energy Utilization of Waste), core professional and pedagogical activities and realizations in the industrial, commercial and municipal sphere. The sections cover a number of areas of research and implementation and provide teaching of relevant subjects.
The activities of individual sections of the institute intertwine, which enables the solution of large research and commercial projects, whereas an institute can offer knowledge and a breadth of expertise that most companies are not capable of. We thus participate in a number of long-term projects that are unique and that allows us to expand our experience and contacts in the industrial sphere. At the same time, we also try to involve students in these projects, who thus have the opportunity to participate, for example, as part of their final theses on very interesting topics. You can read about individual sections and projects in which they participate on the page For commercial partners.
Whether within our projects or outside of them, we are engaged in research. Above all, one that has a direct impact on the implementation of completely new research results in practice. The video (Clean Ocean Project - only in Czech) demonstrates what knowledge of process engineering disciplines makes possible. We also leverage our broad experimental base. Videos from some laboratories can be found below (commentary only in Czech), more information is here.
Thanks to working on prestigious projects, we can be proud of a number of patents or useful or functional designs. We also develop a number of our own software systems, often quite unique, which serve both our needs and those of our partners in the commercial sphere. You can read about our products here.
Videos from our laboratories


Do you want to enroll?
Want to talk about study options?
Or just want to ask something?
We are available for you at the given contacts.
You can choose as your first contact at any time:
phone: 00 420 541 142 324
e-mail: losak.p@fme.vutbr.cz
and you will be directed according to your interest.