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About the institute
Institute and research agenda
- We are a renowned and modern workplace, respected both in the Czech Republic as well as in Europe and worldwide
- We employ conventional elements of the discipline together with novel, advanced aspects to provide education which satisfies current needs of the industry, municipalities, research and development as well as needs of society and requirements placed on our graduates.
- Each member of our staff has an assigned place and tasks so that we can make the most out of their expertise and skills to promote development of the Institute and to transfer knowledge to the students.
Past, present and future
- 1960: establishment of the Institute
- 1991: Department of Process Engineering
- 1995: Institute of Process and Environmental Engineering (IPEE)
- 2009: NETME Centre was conceived and later executed at the IPEE (www.netme.cz)
- 2016: Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) (environmental protection is an integral part of process engineering)
- Presence: IPE is among the world leading institutes in the field
- Future: IPE will represent one of the keystones for process engineering and power engineering in Europe.
Activities of the Institute
Research interests evolved naturally from long-term professional and pedagogical activities. Research activities of particular research groups are interrelated, which helps us provide flexible technical solutions to everyday tasks.